// Settings
import Color from './Color';
import utils from './Utils';
* The CGView Settings contain general settings for the viewer.
* ### Action and Events
* Action | Viewer Method | Settings Method | Event
* ----------------------------------------|----------------------------------|---------------------|-----
* [Update](../docs.html#updating-records) | - | [update()](#update) | settings-update
* [Read](../docs.html#reading-records) | [settings](Viewer.html#settings) | - | -
* <a name="attributes"></a>
* ### Attributes
* Attribute | Type | Description
* ------------------------------------|-----------|------------
* [format](#format) | String | The layout format of the map: circular, linear [Default: circular]
* [backgroundColor](#backgroundColor) | String | A string describing the background color of the map [Default: 'white']. See {@link Color} for details.
* [showShading](#showShading) | Boolean | Should a shading effect be drawn on the features [Default: true]
* [arrowHeadLength](#arrowHeadLength) | Number | Length of feature arrowheads as a proportion of the feature thickness. From 0 (no arrowhead) to 1 (arrowhead as long on the feature is thick) [Default: 0.3]
* [initialMapThicknessProportion](#initialMapThicknessProportion) | Number | Proportion of canvas size to use for drawing map tracks at a zoomFactor of 1 [Default: 0.1]
* [maxMapThicknessProportion](#maxMapThicknessProportion) | Number | Proportion of canvas size to use for drawing map tracks at max zoom level [Default: 0.5]
* ### Examples
class Settings {
* Initialize Settings.
* @param {Viewer} viewer - The viewer
* @param {Object} options - [Attributes](#attributes) used to initialize settings.
constructor(viewer, options = {}) {
this.viewer = viewer;
// Only set format if provided. Otherwise the defaults in the Viewer constructor are used.
if (options.format) {
this.format = options.format;
this._backgroundColor = new Color( utils.defaultFor(options.backgroundColor, 'white') );
this._geneticCode = utils.defaultFor(options.geneticCode, 11);
this.arrowHeadLength = utils.defaultFor(options.arrowHeadLength, 0.3);
this._showShading = utils.defaultFor(options.showShading, true);
this.initialMapThicknessProportion = utils.defaultFor(options.initialMapThicknessProportion, 0.1);
this.maxMapThicknessProportion = utils.defaultFor(options.maxMapThicknessProportion, 0.5);
this.viewer.trigger('settings-update', {attributes: this.toJSON({includeDefaults: true})});
* Return the class name as a string.
* @return {String} - 'Settings'
toString() {
return 'Settings';
* @member {String} - Get or set the map format: circular, linear
get format() {
return this.viewer.format;
set format(value) {
this.viewer.format = value;
* @member {Number} - Get or set the genetic code used for translation.
* This genetic code will be used unless a feature has an overriding genetic code.
* Default: 11
get geneticCode() {
return this._geneticCode || 11;
set geneticCode(value) {
this._geneticCode = value;
* @member {Color} - Get or set the backgroundColor. When setting the color, a string representing the color or a {@link Color} object can be used. For details see {@link Color}.
get backgroundColor() {
return this._backgroundColor;
set backgroundColor(color) {
if (color === undefined) {
this._backgroundColor = new Color('white');
} else if (color.toString() === 'Color') {
this._backgroundColor = color;
} else {
this._backgroundColor = new Color(color);
* @member {Number} - Set or get the arrow head length as a fraction of the slot width. The value must be between 0 and 1 [Default: 0.3].
set arrowHeadLength(value) {
this._arrowHeadLength = utils.constrain(Number(value), 0, 1);
get arrowHeadLength() {
return this._arrowHeadLength;
* @member {Boolean} - Get or set whether arrows and other components whould be draw with shading (Default: true).
get showShading() {
return this._showShading;
set showShading(value) {
this._showShading = value;
* @member {Boolean} - Get or set the initial width/thickness of the map as a
* proportion of the canvas dimension (Circular: minDimension; Linear:
* height). The width will grow/shrink with the zoomFactor (Default: 0.1).
* This value will be ignored if the
* [maxMapThicknessProportion](#maxMapThicknessProportion) value is smaller.
get initialMapThicknessProportion() {
return this.viewer.layout.initialMapThicknessProportion;
set initialMapThicknessProportion(value) {
this.viewer.layout.initialMapThicknessProportion = value;
* @member {Boolean} - Get or set the maximum width/thickness of the map as a
* proportion of the canvas width or height (Default: 0.5).
get maxMapThicknessProportion() {
return this.viewer.layout.maxMapThicknessProportion;
set maxMapThicknessProportion(value) {
this.viewer.layout.maxMapThicknessProportion = value;
* Update settings [attributes](#attributes).
* See [updating records](../docs.html#s.updating-records) for details.
* @param {Object} attributes - Object describing the properties to change
update(attributes) {
this.viewer.updateRecords(this, attributes, {
recordClass: 'Settings',
validKeys: ['format', 'backgroundColor', 'showShading', 'arrowHeadLength', 'geneticCode', 'initialMapThicknessProportion', 'maxMapThicknessProportion']
this.viewer.trigger('settings-update', { attributes });
* Returns JSON representing the object
toJSON() {
return {
format: this.format,
geneticCode: this.geneticCode,
backgroundColor: this.backgroundColor.rgbaString,
showShading: this.showShading,
arrowHeadLength: this.arrowHeadLength,
initialMapThicknessProportion: this.initialMapThicknessProportion,
maxMapThicknessProportion: this.maxMapThicknessProportion
export default Settings;