Data can be loaded from a JavaScript object literal or a JSON string using [IO.loadJSON](api/IO.html#loadJSON).
The two formats are very similar and can be converted using JSON.parse and JSON.stringify.
The example below is shown as an object literal and only shows some of the possible options for each key.
Click on a key (e.g. backbone, captions, etc) for options and defaults.
The following two options are available for most sections of the JSON but are
only present when they have non-default values (see the first [feature](#lines.98-111) for an example with non-default values):
- _visible_ [Default: true]
- _meta_ [Default: {}]. The _meta_ key is a place to store [user/app-defined meta data](tutorials/details-meta-data.html).
"cgview": {
"version": "1.0",
"created": "2017-06-21 13:29:07",
"updated": "2017-06-21 13:29:07",
"name": "My Cool Map",
"id": "f078a696a89c4c97d526f588933ddcbafd6ba037",
"settings": {
"format": "circular",
"geneticCode": "11",
"backgroundColor": "rgba(255,255,255,1)",
"showShading": true,
"arrowHeadLength": 0.3,
"initialMapThicknessProportion": 0,
"maxMapThicknessProportion": 0
"backbone": {
"color": "rgba(128,128,128,1)",
"thickness": 5,
"decoration": 'arrow'
"ruler": {
"font": "sans-serif,plain,10",
"color": "rgba(0,0,0,1)"
"annotation": {
"font": "sans-serif,plain,12"
"dividers": {
"track": {
"color": "rgba(50,50,50,1)",
"thickness": 1,
"spacing": 1
"slot": {
"color": "rgba(128,128,128,1)",
"thickness": 1,
"spacing": 1
"captions": [
"name": "Escherichia coli B171 plasmid pB171_90",
"position": "bottom-center",
"textAlignment": "left",
"font": "sans-serif,plain,24",
"fontColor": "rgba(255,165,0,1)",
"backgroundColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.4)"
"legend": {
"position": "top-right",
"textAlignment": "left",
"defaultFont": "sans-serif,plain,14",
"defaultFontColor": "rgba(0,0,0,1)",
"defaultMinArcLength": 0,
"backgroundColor": "rgba(255,255,255,0.75)",
"items": [
"name": "CDS",
"decoration": "arrow"
"swatchColor": "rgba(0,0,153,0.5)",
"name": "rRNA",
"decoration": "arrow"
"swatchColor": "rgba(0,153,53,0.5)",
"font": "sans-serif,plain,16",
"fontColor": "rgba(100,0,0,1)",
"textAlignment": "left",
"sequence": {
"color": "rgb(0,0,0)",
"font": "sans-serif,plain,14",
"contigs": [
"name": "CP021212",
"length": 90229,
"orientation": "+",
"bookmarks": [
"bbOffset": 86.75,
"bp": 5617,
"favorite": false,
"format": "circular",
"name": "Bookmark-1",
"shortcut": "1",
"zoom": 1.685
"features": [
"name": "rnl",
"type": "rRNA",
"contig": "CP021212",
"start": 56,
"stop": 2806,
"strand": 1,
"source": "sequence-features",
"legend": "rRNA"
"visible": false,
"meta": {
"score": 1234
"name": "nad8",
"type": "CDS",
"contig": "CP021212",
"start": 3252,
"stop": 3740,
"strand": -1,
"source": "sequence-features",
"legend": "CDS"
"plots": [
"tracks": [
"name": "Features",
"separateFeaturesBy": "strand",
"position": "both",
"thicknessRatio": 1,
"dataType": "feature",
"dataMethod": "source",
"dataKeys": "sequence-features"