// Highlighter
import CGObject from './CGObject';
import utils from './Utils';
// FIXME: There are 2 clasess here
* The Highlighter object controls highlighting and popovers of features,
* plots and other elements on the Viewer when the mouse hovers over them.
* <a name="attributes"></a>
* ### Attributes
* Option | Default | Description
* ------------------------------|----------------------------|--------------------------
* [feature](#feature) | {@link HighlighterElement} | Describes the highlightling options for features
* [plot](#plot) | {@link HighlighterElement} | Describes the highlightling options for plots
* [contig](#plot) | {@link HighlighterElement} | Describes the highlightling options for contigs
* [backbone](#plot) | {@link HighlighterElement} | Describes the highlightling options for the backbone
* [showMetaData](#showMetaData) | true | Should meta data be shown in popovers
* @extends CGObject
class Highlighter extends CGObject {
* Create a Highlighter
* @param {Viewer} viewer - The viewer
* @param {Object} options - [Attributes](#attributes) used to create the highlighter.
constructor(viewer, options = {}, meta = {}) {
super(viewer, options, meta);
this._viewer = viewer;
this.showMetaData = utils.defaultFor(options.showMetaData, true);
// this.popoverBox = viewer._container.append('div').attr('class', 'cgv-highlighter-popover-box').style('visibility', 'hidden');
this.popoverBox = viewer._wrapper.append('div').attr('class', 'cgv-highlighter-popover-box').style('visibility', 'hidden');
this._feature = new HighlighterElement('feature', options.feature);
this._plot = new HighlighterElement('plot', options.plot);
this._contig = new HighlighterElement('contig', options.contig);
this._backbone = new HighlighterElement('backbone', options.contig);
// Set up position constants (Distance from mouse pointer to top-left of popup)
this._offsetLeft = 8;
this._offsetTop = -18;
* @member {Viewer} - Get the viewer.
get viewer() {
return this._viewer;
* @member {HighlighterElement} - Get the feature HighlighterElement
get feature() {
return this._feature;
* @member {HighlighterElement} - Get the plot HighlighterElement
get plot() {
return this._plot;
* @member {HighlighterElement} - Get the contig HighlighterElement
get contig() {
return this._contig;
* @member {HighlighterElement} - Get the backbone HighlighterElement
get backbone() {
return this._backbone;
position(e) {
const originX = e.canvasX + this._offsetLeft;
const originY = e.canvasY + this._offsetTop;
return { x: originX, y: originY};
initializeEvents() {
this.viewer.on('mousemove.cgv-highlighter', (e) => {
// if (e.feature) {
// this.mouseOver('feature', e);
// } else if (e.plot) {
// this.mouseOver('plot', e);
// } else {
// this.hidePopoverBox();
// }
// mouseOver(type, e) {
mouseOver(e) {
const type = e.elementType;
if (!type || !this[type]) {
if (this[type].highlighting) {
if (this[type].popovers && this.visible) {
const position = this.position(e);
const html = (this[type].popoverContents && this[type].popoverContents(e)) || this[`${type}PopoverContentsDefault`](e);
this.showPopoverBox({position: position, html: html});
} else {
getTrackDiv(e) {
let trackDiv = '';
if (e.slot) {
const track = e.slot.track;
let direction = '';
if (track.type === 'feature' && track.separateFeaturesBy !== 'none') {
direction = e.slot.isDirect() ? '(+)' : '(-)';
trackDiv = `<div class='track-data'>Track: ${track.name} ${direction}</div>`;
return trackDiv;
getPositionDiv(e) {
const bp = utils.commaNumber(e.bp);
let div = `<div class='track-data'>Map: ${bp} bp</div>`;
if (e.elementType === 'contig') {
const contig = e.element;
const contigBp = utils.commaNumber(e.bp - contig.lengthOffset);
div = `<div class='track-data'>Contig: ${contigBp} bp</div>` + div;
return div;
featurePopoverContentsDefault(e) {
const feature = e.element;
// return `<div style='margin: 0 5px; font-size: 14px'>${feature.type}: ${feature.name}</div>`;
const keys = Object.keys(feature.meta);
let metaDivs = '';
if (this.showMetaData && keys.length > 0) {
metaDivs = keys.map( k => `<div class='meta-data'><span class='meta-data-key'>${k}</span>: <span class='meta-data-value'>${feature.meta[k]}</span></div>`).join('');
metaDivs = `<div class='meta-data-container'>${metaDivs}</div>`;
return (`
<div style='margin: 0 5px; font-size: 14px'>
<div>${feature.type}: ${feature.name}<div>
<div class='track-data'>Length: ${utils.commaNumber(feature.length)} bp</div>
plotPopoverContentsDefault(e) {
const plot = e.element;
const score = plot.scoreForPosition(e.bp);
return (`
<div style='margin: 0 5px; font-size: 14px'>
<div>Score: ${score.toFixed(2)}</div>
backbonePopoverContentsDefault(e) {
const length = utils.commaNumber(this.sequence.length);
// return `<div style='margin: 0 5px; font-size: 14px'>Backbone: ${length} bp</div>`;
return (`
<div style='margin: 0 5px; font-size: 14px'>
<div>Backbone: ${length} bp</div>
contigPopoverContentsDefault(e) {
const contig = e.element;
const length = utils.commaNumber(contig.length);
// return `<div style='margin: 0 5px; font-size: 14px'>Contig ${contig.index}/${this.sequence.contigs().length} [${length} bp]: ${contig.name}</div>`;
return (`
<div style='margin: 0 5px; font-size: 14px'>
<div>Contig ${contig.index}/${this.sequence.contigs().length} [${length} bp]: ${contig.name}</div>
highlightFeature(e) {
highlightPlot(e) {
const viewer = this.viewer;
const plot = e.element;
const score = plot.scoreForPosition(e.bp);
if (score) {
const startIndex = utils.indexOfValue(plot.positions, e.bp, false);
const start = plot.positions[startIndex];
const stop = plot.positions[startIndex + 1] || viewer.sequence.length;
const baselineCenterOffset = e.slot.centerOffset - (e.slot.thickness / 2) + (e.slot.thickness * plot.baseline);
const scoredCenterOffset = baselineCenterOffset + ((score - plot.baseline) * e.slot.thickness);
const thickness = Math.abs(baselineCenterOffset - scoredCenterOffset);
const centerOffset = Math.min(baselineCenterOffset, scoredCenterOffset) + (thickness / 2);
const color = (score >= plot.baseline) ? plot.colorPositive.copy() : plot.colorNegative.copy();
viewer.canvas.drawElement('ui', start, stop, centerOffset, color.rgbaString, thickness);
highlightBackbone(e) {
// e.element.highlight(e.slot);
highlightContig(e) {
// e.element.highlight(e.slot);
hidePopoverBox() {
this.popoverBox.style('visibility', 'hidden');
showPopoverBox(options = {}) {
if (options.html) {
if (options.position) {
.style('left', `${options.position.x}px`)
.style('top', `${options.position.y}px`);
this.popoverBox.style('visibility', 'visible');
toJSON() {
return {
visible: this.visible
// Highlighter Element
* A HighlighterElement indicates whether highlighting and popovers should appear.
* <a name="attributes"></a>
* ### Attributes
* Option | Default | Description
* ------------------------------------|-------------|-----------------------------------
* [highlighting](#highlighting) | true | Highlight a element when the mouse is over it
* [popovers](#popovers) | true | Show a popover for the element when the mouse is over it
* [popoverContents](#popoverContents) | undefined | Function to create html for the popover
class HighlighterElement {
* Create a HighlighterElement
* @param {String} type - The element type: 'feature', 'plot', 'contig', 'backbone'.
* @param {Object} options - [Attributes](#attributes) used to create the highlighter element.
constructor(type, options = {}) {
this.type = type;
this.highlighting = utils.defaultFor(options.highlighting, true);
this.popovers = utils.defaultFor(options.popovers, true);
this.popoverContents = options.popoverContents;
* @member {String} - Get or set the type (e.g. 'feature', 'plot', 'contig', 'backbone')
get type() {
return this._type;
set type(value) {
this._type = value;
* @member {Boolean} - Get or set whether highlighting should occur
get highlighting() {
return this._highlighting;
set highlighting(value) {
this._highlighting = value;
* @member {Boolean} - Get or set whether popovers should occur
get popover() {
return this._popover;
set popover(value) {
this._popover = value;
* @member {Function} - Get or set the function to call to produce HTML for the popover.
* The provided function will be called with one argument: an [event-like object](EventMonitor.html).
get popoverContents() {
return this._popoverContents;
set popoverContents(value) {
this._popoverContents = value;
export { Highlighter, HighlighterElement };