Source: Bookmark.js

// Bookmark

import CGObject from './CGObject';
import utils from './Utils';

 * Bookmarks are saved map locations. Bookmarks store the base pair (bp),
 * the zoomFactor (zoom) and map format (e.g. linear or circular). By default
 * the map backbone at the provided bp will be centered in the middle of the canvas.
 * The bbOffset attribute can be used to move the map backbone away from the center.
 * Bookmarks can have shortcut key associated with them. If the key is typed, while not
 * in a input field, the map will move to the bookmark position.
 * ### Action and Events
 * Action                                    | Viewer Method                                    | Bookmark Method     | Event
 * ------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------|---------------------|-----
 * [Add](../docs.html#s.adding-records)      | [addBookmarks()](Viewer.html#addBookmarks)       | -                   | bookmarks-add
 * [Update](../docs.html#s.updating-records) | [updateBookmarks()](Viewer.html#updateBookmarks) | [update()](#update) | bookmarks-update
 * [Remove](../docs.html#s.removing-records) | [removeBookmarks()](Viewer.html#removeBookmarks) | [remove()](#remove) | bookmarks-remove
 * [Read](../docs.html#s.reading-records)    | [bookmarks()](Viewer.html#bookmarks)             | -                   | -
 * <a name="attributes"></a>
 * ### Attributes
 * Attribute                        | Type      | Description
 * ---------------------------------|-----------|------------
 * [name](#name)                    | String    | Name of bookmark [Default: "Bookmark-N" where N is the number of the bookmark]
 * [bp](#bp)                        | Number    | Base pair to center the map position [Default: Current bp]
 * [zoom](#zoom)                    | Number    | Zoom factor [Default: Current zoomFactor]
 * [format](#format)                | String    | Map format [Default: Current map format]
 * [bbOffset](#bbOffset)            | Number    | Distance from the backbone to the center of the canvas [Default: 0]
 * [shortcut](#shortcut)            | Character | Single character shortcut that when pressed moves the map to this position [Default: N (see name) up to 9]
 * [favorite](#favorite)            | Boolean   | Bookmark is a favorite [Default: false]
 * [meta](CGObject.html#meta)       | Object    | [Meta data](../tutorials/details-meta-data.html) for Bookmark
 * ### Examples
 * ```js
 * // Create a new bookmark for the current map postion
 * let bookmark = cgv.addBookmarks();
 * // => Bookmark {name: 'Bookmark-1', bp: 1, zoom: 1, format: 'linear', bbOffset: 0, shortcut: 1}
 * cgv.bookmarks().length;
 * // => 1
 * // Edit the bookmark
 * bookmark.update({name: 'my gene'});
 * // => Bookmark {name: 'my gene', bp: 1, zoom: 1, format: 'linear', bbOffset: 0, shortcut: 1}
 * // Move to the bookmark position
 * bookmark.moveTo()
 * // Remove the bookmark
 * bookmark.remove();
 * cgv.bookmarks().length;
 * // => 0
 * ```
 * @extends CGObject
class Bookmark extends CGObject {

  // TODO:
  //  - Offsets of 0 do not need to be saved to json as they will be the default

   * Create a new bookmark.
   * @param {Viewer} viewer - The viewer
   * @param {Object} options - [Attributes](#attributes) used to create the bookmark
   * @param {Object} [meta] - User-defined [Meta data](../tutorials/details-meta-data.html) to add to the bookmark.
  constructor(viewer, options = {}, meta = {}) {
    super(viewer, options, meta);
    this.viewer = viewer;

    this.bp = utils.defaultFor(options.bp, viewer.canvas.bpForCanvasCenter());
    this.zoom = utils.defaultFor(options.zoom, viewer.zoomFactor);
    this.format = utils.defaultFor(options.format, viewer.format); = utils.defaultFor(, this.incrementalName());
    this.favorite = utils.defaultFor(options.favorite, false);
    this.shortcut = utils.defaultFor(options.shortcut, this.incrementalShortcut());
    this.bbOffset = utils.defaultFor(options.bbOffset, viewer.bbOffset);


   * Return the class name as a string.
   * @return {String} 'Bookmark'
  toString() {
    return 'Bookmark';

   * @member {Viewer} - Get the *Viewer*
  get viewer() {
    return this._viewer;

  set viewer(viewer) {
    if (this.viewer) {
      // TODO: Remove if already attached to Viewer
    this._viewer = viewer;

   * @member {String} - Get or set the *name*
  get name() {
    return this._name;

  set name(value) {
    this._name = value;

   * @member {Number} - Get or set the basepair position for the bookmark.
  get bp() {
    return this._bp;

  set bp(value) {
    this._bp = value;

   * @member {Number} - Get or set the *zoom*
  get zoom() {
    return this._zoom;

  set zoom(value) {
    this._zoom = value;

   * @member {String} - Get or set the *format*
  get format() {
    return this._format;

  set format(value) {
    this._format = value;

   * @member {Boolean} - Get or set the *favorite*
  get favorite() {
    return this._favorite;

  set favorite(value) {
    this._favorite = value;

   * @member {Character} - Get or set the *shortcut*
  get shortcut() {
    return this._shortcut;

  set shortcut(value) {
    this._shortcut = ([undefined, null, ''].includes(value)) ? undefined : String(value).charAt(0);

   * Update bookmark [attributes](#attributes).
   * See [updating records](../docs.html#s.updating-records) for details.
   * @param {Object} attributes - Object describing the properties to change
  update(attributes) {
    this.viewer.updateBookmarks(this, attributes);

   * Remove bookmark.
   * See [removing records](../docs.html#s.removing-records) for details.
  remove() {

   * Move and zoom the map to this Bookmarks position.
   * @param {Number} duration - length of time for the animation
  moveTo(duration = 1000) {
    if (this.viewer.format !== this.format) {
      this.viewer.settings.update({ format: this.format });
    setTimeout( () => {
      this.viewer.zoomTo(this.bp, this.zoom, {duration, bbOffset: this.bbOffset});
    }, 0);

  incrementalName() {
    const currentNames = this.viewer.bookmarks().map( b =>;
    return utils.uniqueId('Bookmark-', currentNames.length, currentNames);

  // TODO: for now shortcuts will only be created automatically up to 9
  incrementalShortcut() {
    const currentShortcuts = this.viewer.bookmarks().map( b => b.shorcut);
    const shortcut = utils.uniqueId('', currentShortcuts.length, currentShortcuts);
    if (shortcut < 10 && shortcut > 0) { return shortcut; }

   * Returns JSON representing the object
  toJSON(options = {}) {
    const json = {
      bp: this.bp,
      zoom: this.zoom,
      bbOffset: this.bbOffset,
      format: this.format,
      shortcut: this.shortcut
      // favorite: this.favorite
    if (!this.favorite || options.includeDefaults) {
      json.favorite = this.favorite;
    return json;


export default Bookmark;