// CGView Anchor
import Position from './Position';
import utils from './Utils';
* An Anchor is a point on a box/rect that can be described in words ('top-left')
* or as x/y percents where 0 is the top/left and 100 is the bottom/right.
* Anchors are typically used to describe the focal point on a box or where to
* draw an attachemnt line.
* <a name="anchor-names"></a>
* ### Anchor Names
* String | xPercent | yPercent
* -----------------|----------|---------
* top-left | 0 | 0
* top-center | 50 | 0
* top-right | 100 | 0
* middle-left | 0 | 50
* middle-center | 50 | 50
* middle-right | 100 | 50
* bottom-left | 0 | 100
* bottom-center | 50 | 100
* bottom-right | 100 | 100
class Anchor {
* Creating an Anchor. The default value for Anchor will be 'top-left' ({xPercent: 0, yPercent: 0}).
* @param {String|Object} value - A string describing the position or
* an object with 2 properties: xPercent, yPercent.
* The percent values should be between 0 (top/left) and 100 (bottom/right).
* Percents below 0 will become 0 and values abouve 100 will become 100.
* See the [Anchor Names](#anchor-names) table for possible string values and their corresponding
* x/y Percents.
constructor(value) {
if (typeof value === 'string') {
if (value === 'auto') {
this.auto = true;
} else {
this.name = value;
} else if (typeof value === 'object') {
this.xPercent = utils.defaultFor(Number(value.xPercent), 50);
this.yPercent = utils.defaultFor(Number(value.yPercent), 50);
} else {
this.xPercent = 50;
this.yPercent = 50;
* Return the class name as a string.
* @return {String} - 'Anchor'
toString() {
return 'Anchor';
get auto() {
return this._auto;
set auto(value) {
this._auto = Boolean(value);
* @member {Number} - Get or set the xPercent. The value will be constrained between 0 and 100.
get xPercent() {
return this._xPercent;
set xPercent(value) {
this._xPercent = Math.round(utils.constrain(value, 0, 100))
this._name = Position.nameFromPercents(this.xPercent, this.yPercent);
* @member {Number} - Get or set the yPercent. The value will be constrained between 0 and 100.
get yPercent() {
return this._yPercent;
set yPercent(value) {
this._yPercent = Math.round(utils.constrain(value, 0, 100));
this._name = Position.nameFromPercents(this.xPercent, this.yPercent);
* @member {String} - Get or set the anchor name. If a string can not
* describe the anchor, _undefined_ will be returned.
get name() {
// return this._nameFromPercents();
return this._name;
set name(value) {
if (value && utils.validate(value, Position.names)) {
this._name = value;
// Should only be called from set name so the string is validated first.
_updatePercentsFromName(name) {
const { xPercent, yPercent } = Position.percentsFromName(name);
this._xPercent = xPercent;
this._yPercent = yPercent;
autoUpdateForPosition(position) {
if (this.auto) {
if (position.onCanvas) {
this.xPercent = position.xPercent;
this.yPercent = position.yPercent;
} else if (position.onMap) {
const format = position.viewer.format;
const offsetPositive = position.offsetPositive;
const lengthPercent = position.value.lengthPercent;
if (format === 'linear') {
this.yPercent = offsetPositive ? 100 : 0;
this.xPercent = lengthPercent;
} else if (format === 'circular') {
if (lengthPercent <= 7) {
this.xPercent = (lengthPercent + 7) / 14 * 100;
this.yPercent = 100;
} else if (lengthPercent > 7 && lengthPercent < 43) {
this.xPercent = 0;
this.yPercent = (lengthPercent - 7) / 36 * 100;
} else if (lengthPercent >= 43 && lengthPercent <= 57) {
this.xPercent = (lengthPercent - 43) / 14 * 100;
this.yPercent = 0;
} else if (lengthPercent > 57 && lengthPercent < 93) {
this.xPercent = 100;
this.yPercent = (lengthPercent - 57) / 36 * 100;
} else if (lengthPercent >= 93) {
this.xPercent = (lengthPercent - 93) / 14 * 100;
this.yPercent = 100;
* Returns JSON representing this anchor, either as a name or an object with
* xPercent and yPercent properties.
toJSON() {
if (this.auto) {
return 'auto';
} else if (this.name) {
return this.name;
} else {
return {
xPercent: this.xPercent,
yPercent: this.yPercent
export default Anchor;